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Special Meeting/Workshop
- Convene: 3:45 p.m.
- Public Comments: None
- Consent Agenda - Items 4 through 9
- Amend the CM Agreement for Carver MS
I recommend the School Board revise the project
budget from $5,618,340 to $8,287,642. and approve an Amendment to
the Construction Management at Risk Agreement to establish the
Final Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for construction in the
amount of $6,653,537.20 to Horus Construction Services INC.
/Greater Bay Construction Company, INC., A Joint Venture, for
Carver Middle School Classroom Addition, Project No. 2041-8307 and
authorize the Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all
required documents. |
- |
Minutes: Construction Management @ Risk Services
required for construction of a 29,807 GSF, 317 student station
addition at Carver Middle School, in accordance with the
Educational Specifications approved by the Board on June 7, 2006.
This project is a program addition, and is intended to eliminate
portable classrooms and meet the needs of existing programs of the
school. Estimated Construction Budget: $4,522,764. (5-Year Capital
Plan); Number of Stories: 2; Construction Type: Masonry; Gross
Square Feet: 29,807; Budgeted Construction Cost per Gross Square
Foot: $152; Actual Total Construction Cost per Gross Square Foot:
$225; Building Cost per Gross Square Foot (Div. 3-16): $162;
Student Stations: 317; Budgeted Construction Cost per Student
Station: $14,267; Actual Construction Cost per Student Station
(Div. 3-16): $21,152; Building Cost per Student Station: $15,255;
Preconstruction Fee: $51,500.00; GMP: $6,653,537.20; Total Cost of
Construction: $6,705,037.20; Building Cost (Div. 3-16):
$4,835,773; and Minority Sub-consultant Participation: 27%. |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Sandra Richmond |
Second: Paulette Burdick |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Nay |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Amend the CM Agreement for Hagen Road ES
I recommend the School Board approve an Amendment
to the Construction Management at Risk Agreement to establish the
Phase 1 Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for construction in the
amount of $1,185,000 to C.R. Klewin Southeast, Inc. for Hagen Road
Elementary School Project No. 1421-8359 and authorize the
Superintendent and Board Chairman to sign all required
documents. |
- |
Minutes: Construction Management @ Risk Services
required for Phase 1 construction for site and foundation of an
approximately 120,656 sq ft, 889 student station replacement
school, in accordance with the Educational Specifications approved
by the Board on April 19, 2006. Estimated Construction Budget: $
19,410,113; Number of Stories: Two; Construction Type: Tilt-Wall;
Gross Square Feet: 120,656; Budgeted Construction Cost per Gross
Square Foot: $160; Actual Total Construction Cost per Gross Square
Foot: NA; Building Cost per Gross Square Foot (Div 3-16): NA;
Actual Building Cost per Gross Square foot (Div. 3-16): NA;
Student Stations: 889; Budgeted Construction Cost per Student
Station: $21,833; Actual Construction Cost per Student Station
(Div. 3-16): NA; Preconstruction Fee: $230,922; Phase 1 GMP:
$1,185,000; Total: $1,415,222; Total Cost of Construction: NA;
Building Cost: NA; and Minority Sub-consultant Participation:
24%. |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Sandra Richmond |
Second: Mark Hansen |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Contract For Portable Classrooms
I recommend the School Board award a contract for
Portable Classroom Installation/Disconnection Support Services and
Standpipe Installation Services to H.A. Contracting Corp.,
Halfacre Construction Company, and Royal Concrete Concepts, Inc.
for the period April 12, 2007 through April 11, 2010 with the
option to renew for two additional one-year periods. |
- |
Minutes: Services to be provided include Portable
Classroom Installation/Disconnection Support Services and
Standpipe Installation Services. As services are required, all
awarded contractors will be requested to provide a cost proposal
based on the unit prices submitted in their original proposal with
additional discounts applied at the option of each contractor.
Four (4) firms responded to the RFP of which three (3) were short
listed. The committee recommends award to all short listed firms.
(1) Halfacre Construction Company (2) Royal Concrete Concepts,
Inc. (3) H.A. Contracting Corp. Minority Subcontractor
Participation: 15% (for each contract term). |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Sandra Richmond |
Second: Mark Hansen |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Jupiter Middle Educational Specification
I recommend the School Board approve the
Educational Specification for the addition to Jupiter Middle
School. |
- |
0 |
Minutes: The construction of the Jupiter Middle School
addition is scheduled to commence SY 2007-08 and be completed by
SY 2009-10 according to the FY 2007-11 Five-Year Plan. This
project is required in order to eliminate old portables and reduce
class size. The Educational Specification for Jupiter Middle
School is consistent with the Class Size Reduction (CSR) Facility
Lists and CSR generic educational specification approved by the
Board on October 18, 2006. The FISH Capacity of this school design
will be 1,550 and the ”Program Capacity” of this school design
will be for 1,200 students grades 6-8. The use of the “Program
Capacity” for the construction of the school is consistent with
the Charter School District Waiver granted by the Florida Board of
Education on January 21, 2003. The Educational Specification
includes the addition of instructional spaces, administrative
space to support the north area ESE cluster, and classrooms for
Science program needs. Additionally, this project will include
covered walkways to the existing modulars and the reconfiguration
of existing music spaces. The classroom addition shall be designed
in compliance with the School District’s Inclusion Plan. The
existing facilities will be analyzed by the project architect to
determine appropriate usage of the site and buildings for
necessary renovations and remodeling to meet SREF size standards,
ADA requirements and other code issues. The Educational
Specification was reviewed and approved by the Principal. Mrs.
Burdick notes that the timeline for construction in the
recommendation is not congruent with the board adopted Five-Year
Capital Plan. |
Motion to Postpone until after the Capital Budget
Workshop. |
- |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Paulette Burdick |
Second: Bob Kanjian |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Nay |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Award of a Contract
I recommend that the School Board approve the
Award of a Contract with Computerized Facility Integration (CFI),
L.L.C. to implement the District’s Tririga 9 Computer-Aided
Facilities Management (CAFM) System. The cost of the Phase
1a of services is capped at $213,000. |
- |
Minutes: · Negotiations resulted in the attached
Agreement to complete in two phases the implementation of the
Tririga 9 suite of applications the District purchased in June
2006. · Phase 1a, Requirements, of the CFI contract plans the
implementation of all elements of the software at an intermediate
level. Phase 1b, Operations & Maintenance & Mobility
Implementation, rolls out the Facilities Management Division’s
top-priority application serving chiefly the M&PO Department
and schools. · Phase 1a also produces a CFI cost proposal for the
Phases 1b and 2 implementations. Phase 2 rolls out other modules
of the Tririga 9 suite purchased by the District to include:
Projects, Real Estate, and Facilities Management. · The agreement
with CFI requires Phase 1a to be completed in 75 days, Phase 1b by
3QFY08, and Phase 2 by 2QFY09. · The CFI contract includes a
stipulation to employ minority firms as sub-consultants in any of
the following roles: data migration, process modeling, change
management and training. · For due diligence purposes, staff
conducted interviews with the following CFI clients: Fairfax
County, VA; Dow Chemical; General Motors, and the California State
Judiciary System. All references were positive. |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Sandra Richmond |
Second: Mark Hansen |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
Motion to delete the language "termination of
employment with CFI" in Section 5.1.1 of the attached
contract. |
- |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Bob Kanjian |
Second: Paulette Burdick |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Reallocation of Capital Class Size Reduction Funds
I recommend the School Board approve the revised
encumbrance authorizations for the FY 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007
Classroom Size Reduction funds as well as the remaining Classrooms
First and K-3 Class Size Reduction funds and authorize the
Superintendent and the School Board Chairman to execute all
necessary documents to access State funding. |
- |
Minutes: The Department of Education Requires that the
School Board approves any adjustment of capital class size
reduction funds. This action reallocates the monies between
previously approved Class size reduction projects budgets based on
awarded contracts. This action also reallocates the residual
Classrooms First ($203,479.28) and K-3 Class Size Reduction
($184,985.32) monies to the CSR project at Sandpiper Shores
Elem. |
Vote Results: |
Motion: Sandra Richmond |
Second: Mark Hansen |
Sandra Richmond |
- |
Aye |
Paulette Burdick |
- |
Aye |
Mark Hansen |
- |
Aye |
Debra Robinson |
- |
Aye |
Bill Graham |
- |
Aye |
Bob Kanjian |
- |
Aye |
- Adjourn: 4:30 p.m.
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![spacer graphic](4-11-07.SM re Construction_files/spc.gif) |